(provincial/territorial abbreviations &; NC = national capital region)
On the Rock (NL)
Heave Away (traditional – The Punters)
I’se the Bye
Jack was every inch a Sailor
Oh No, Not I (Stan Rogers)
Prohibition Way (Glenn Breen)
Acadia (NS-NB-PE)
Barrett’s Privateers (Stan Rogers)
Bluenose, the ocean knows her name LYRICS
Bud the Spud (Tom Connors)
Fisherman’s Wharf
Fogarty’s Cove
Nova Scotia Farewell
Springhill Mine Disaster (Ballad of)
Watching the apples grow (Stan Rogers)
Laurentia (QC)
À la claire fontaine…
Gens du pays…
M’en revenant de la Jolie Rochelle… (L’aviron)
Mon pays, c’est l’hiver
Par les bouches de mes cannons (Frontenac) (PAROLES)
Playing Cards and waitin’ for the boat/jouer aux cartes en attendant le bateau (PAROLES)
T’as menti, Durham/Thou liest Durham
Un canadien errant
Upper Canada (NC-ON)
A Place to Stand
Log-driver’s Waltz
MacDonnell on the Heights
Nancy, The
Ottawa Log Drive
Poor Little Girls of Ontario, The
Sweet Winds
White Squall (Stan Rogers)
West of the Great Lakes and East of the Great Divide (MB-SK-AB)
Alberta Bound LYRICS
Field Behind the Plow (Stan Rogers) LYRICS
Forty Below/Red River Valley LYRICS
Four Strong Winds
In the Blue Canadian Rockies LYRICS
O Prairie Land (Manitoba)
Wild Rose and Yellow, The LYRICS
North of 60 (YT-NT- NU)
Canol Road (Stan Rogers)
Frobisher’s Thanksgiving
When the ice worm nests again
Vancouver/Gulf Is., Lower Mainland, Inland/Cariboo, Haida Gwai (BC)
Four Rode By (Ian and Sylvia)
Streets of Victoria LYRICS
When Kaiser Wilhelm drew the line across the Georgia Strait (AUDIO)
When the Coho flash silver all over the bay https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QXlKtRMjz-k